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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 24, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Wednesday 24th December 1788

Fresh breezes at E and ENE and dark cloudy Weather with much Rain and some intervals dry. The Thermometer from 77 to 79¾. Sick list one Venereal. Supplies as usual. Armourer at the Forge on ships duty.

This afternoon I sent the Master away in the Launch to sound and examine the Depth of Water and ground between One Tree Hill and the East harbor of Oparre. In the Evening he returned and reported to me that he found 16 & 17 fathoms water with a good bottom all the way. I therefore determined immediatly of going into this Harbour and made the necessary preparations for taking the Plants on board. In the morning got yards and Topmasts up and bent sails and at noon the Boats were all ready to take the Plants off in the afternoon.

This Eastermost Harbour of Oppare is completely sheltered by the Reefs from any Winds and from the Sea. The Situation also is very desirable on account of the Plants and abounds with others in case any of those I have fail for this reason in particular as I beleive the ship will be equally safe as in the Harbour of Imeo I have given it the preference. Great joy is among the People here on this account altho they cannot help complaining at my leaving Matavai.

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