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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 18, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Thursday 18th December 1788

Fresh Breezes and cloudy with much Rain. Towards noon fair Weather. Wind EBN, SE, ESE and Variable. Thermometer from 77° to 81°. Venereal list as before.

Employed mending sails and at the Forge and began to examine the Spirit Room to pay the Chimes of the Casks to prevent the Worms. Many Natives were about the Ship and some of them unperceived cutting the strapping of the leading block of the Tackle fall to get the Thimble out, a Puncheon of Wine No. 4 Contents 80 Gallons was let down the Hatchway and Stove all to peices. Brought the Launch from the shore and got ballast ready to put down to bring the ship more by the Stern.

Natives bring me plentifull supplys both of Hogs and fruit to the Tents where I have Mr. Peckover to purchase them, and we continue on the most friendly footing with each other.

Tynah, Moannah, Poeeno and Oreepyah I have constantly with me. They are very freindly good People and I am now rendering them every service in repairing their old Iron Tools and making them New Ones at the Forge.

The Plants begin to show finely with the Rain we have had. 322 are the Number we have shifted.

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