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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 13, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Saturday 13th December 1788

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with some Rain. Wind at ESE and Thermometer from 78°.

Employed drying and picking Bread and mending Sails. Hove in the small Bower Cable to examine it found it in very good Order. Moored ship again. PM sold the Effects of Thomas Huggan Surgeon at Publick sale. Among his Effects were only 17 shillings sterling in Dutch Coin. I directed 33 of his shirts not to be sold as not one half of the Value was offered for them.

In the Morning I set out to examine the Harbours about Oparre. Tynah and Moannah accompanied me. A conversation was introduced by Tynah how all workmen were paid in England for their labour. Many he said must be employed to build ships and what were given to them? was it Hogs, Cloaths or Cocoa Nutts. The circumstane of his having seen the Doctors money and my giving him a Sixteenth of a Dollar enabled me to explain to him that every person either for work done or things sold was paid by such like Coin. That it was of very great value, and that every thing he saw us wear was got for it. At this information he very archly replied "If that is the case I will take my peice of money to Pettover and buy a shirt." Pettover was Mr. Peckover the Gunner who managed the Trading for Victualling the Ship.

I was now sollicited that I would show them before I went away how we prayed to the Eatua and I therefore promised them, that to morrow they should come on board and there would be prayers.

The Surgeons assistant agreed to take the Medicine Chests and neessaries agreeable to the Invoice deducting five pounds, and as I could not determine the Value of the Instruments he has also taken them at the Price they will be found to have cost when new.

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