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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 11, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Thursday 11th December 1788

Light Variable Winds round the Compass and fair Weather. Thermometer from 78° to 82°. Employed in the Hold. Brooming, and the Sailmakers repairing the Foresail. Sufficient supplies as usual. Sick list as yesterday.

At 4 this afternoon I attended the Funeral of Mr. Huggan who we interred about a quarter of a mile to the ESE of Point Venus on the opposite side of the River and about a Cables length from the Sea Side.

I had all the Cheifs with me and a great many Natives who showed great attention and decency to our proceedings.

In the morning the weather became remarkably fine and we had less Surf on the shore than we have seen in common, and I therefore took the opportunity to send some Bread on shore to air and clear of weevils, about which we were principally employed.

I had my usual company to dine with me but they refused drinking any wine without being diluted for they said it was bad because it had killed Terronnoo.

In the course of digging the Grave and clearing away the ground I saw several Santapees some of them were near 4 Inches long. Several others were brought on board with the Wood. I was happy to find the Boy who was hurt yesterday was doing very well. The Natives had observed my being exceedingly angry at the accident, when several of the cheifs came and told me, it was not my peoples fault but the fault of their own, that they were always crouding round us, & that they therefore deserved any thing that befell them, and desired I would not be displeased about it.

Three Tubs were filled to day with roots which makes six under this experiment.

In my going to the shore with the Corps I had Tynah with his Wife and several others with me in the Boat. They were all suddenly in a hurry of uncovering their shoulders, and on asking the reason they told me it was because the Cannoe that was passing them with Two Men in it were the Towtows of Otoo the Erreerahigh. I attempted to stop the mother in doing it, but it was out of my power and they heartily laughed at me.

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