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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 9, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Tuesday 9th December 1788

Light Winds Variable Westerly and Calms. The Thermometer from 78½° to 82°. Much swell in the Bay. Finished stowing the Booms. Sent Hands to cut Brooms and some Wood which Tynah gave me. Sailmakers employed about the Sails. I should have examined the Cables, but the ship constantly moving round and round we could not heave in. The Surf continues so much on the beach that we cannot water and only get sufficient for our present use by breakers.

We continue to get very plentifull supplies of all kinds from the Natives. The Sick list contains three Venereals.

The Plants in general continue to do very well but some still remain in a dormant State while others are Striking out some young shoots. I have therefore thought it best, with Mr. Nelsons opinion to refrain some days from taking them on board. 302 up to to day Noon is the Number that have been replaced out of which not one out of Ten but was found growing. We are on that account in hopes of those which are in a dormant State. They however will be moved as appearances turn out more against them.

Tynah spent the day with me as usual and I had two men on shore to saw Plank for to make the Chest I promised him, about which he is exceedingly interested.

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