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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 2, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Tuesday 2nd December 1788

Very Strong Breezes and cloudy Weather with a few showers of Rain. Wind at ESE and the Thermometer from 77½° to 79°.

Employed in the Hold getting Coals up to fill the Coal Hole and taking ballast in lieu of it. Paid the small Cutter with Turpentine having not sufficient white to do it. Received on board the Main Topsail and sent the Fore Topsail on shore to be repaired. I have now the pleasure to say I have no longer any sick Men, but the Venereal list is encreased to four. The Natives still bring me very sufficient supplies. The exchange is as usual for Toeys, Nails, Files and Looking Glasses, altho the constant cry is for Hatchets of which I have so small a number I am obliged to be careful how they are disposed of.

I have had my usual Visitors to day but no hopes of the Rudder. I find it has been broke to peices and the Theif absconded with the Iron work. The Brothers of Tynah declare it is one of his People, and there is a kind of fear and Sheepishness that hangs about him and his Wife which seems to confirm the report. However I have determined to think no more about it, and therefore endeavor to make them resume their usual chearfullness and good humour.

The duty of the Ship has confined me on board to day, & the Weather being very cloudy it was of little consequence as I could not make any observations for the Time Keeper or others.

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