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Revised 2010-05-30

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 21, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Friday 21st November 1788

The first part of this day Light Breezes and cloudy with heavy showers of Rain, the middle and latter more moderate and but few showers. Wind ENE to ESE and the Thermometer from 80° to 83½°. Paid the Bends with half pitch and half Tar. Carpenters finished the railing of the skylight which might have been made in One day by any three tolerable Workmen. Sick list to day, one man recovering from the Flux and the other still Ill with the Cramp. A few Hogs and plenty of other supplies.

I was agreeably surprized to day by a message from Teppahoo the Cheif of Tettahah that he had brought the Bullock to Matavai according to agreement. I lost no time in seeing him and found he was as good as his word being ready to exchange the Heifer for what I had promised to give him. That no time might be lost I brought the old Cheif on board and a young man who had claim to the Heifer, called Wowah. The purchase money was now produced, it consisted of an Hatchet, a File, a Rasp, Gimlet, Knife, a Spiker Nail and a Shirt. The sight of all these things gave them more pleasure than can well be described. They were all wrapt carefully up and we returned to the shore where I was put in possession of the Heifer and I took her immediatly away to Poeenos residence, which is a small distance from the Beach, where is fine Grass and great care will be taken of her. I have now begun my sollicitations for the purhase of the Bull at Itteah but how far I may be fortunate to succeed I have no certainty of determining.

Tynah and my Friends here spent the day with me as usual and I was told a Heiva was to be performed for my entertainment, which I had not yet seen and therefore the performers were waiting for me. We accordingly set out and at a place near the Tents we found a great many people collected.

A very spacious Ring was now made and Tynah desired that I would order one of the Centinels to come within it, to keep the Croud from closing round the Performers as is the Custom. This being complied with I was placed with Tynah, his Wife and several cheif Women at the most conspicuous part of the Ring and the performance begun.

Twelve Men were divided into four Ranks, three Men in each one behind the other sitting on their Heels, with two Women in the front. Behind them all stood a Man who was called a Preist and who made an harangue which lasted about ten minutes that was listned to with some attention, during which Captain Cooks Picture, that we had brought from the ship on purpose, was held beside me, the Harangue being over I was cloathed in a peice of White Cloth and a small peice was wrapt round the Picture. The Preist now spoke again, when an Old Man with One Eye came running up to me in a superstitious kind of manner, and placed a peice of plaited cocoa-nutt leaf at my feet. The same was done to Tynah, and one peice was thrown under the Picture. The Preist left off speaking and the Heiva begun by the Men jumping and throwing their Legs and Arms into violent and odd motions, which the Women kept time with, and as they were conveniently cloathed for the Purpose, their persons were generally exposed to full view, frequently standing on one Leg and keeping the other up, giving themselves the most lascivious and wanton motions. As this was for some time perormed at the farthest part of the Ring from us, out of compliment the Women were directed to come nearer, and they accordingly advanced with the Cloaths up, and went throught the same wanton gentures which on their return ended the Heiva which is called Opah.

In the course of this extraordinary performance the Queen and Cheif Women were highly delighted, and asked particularly if we had no such Heivas in England. They felt no kind of shame, altho it is a fact that no people, unless in these dances, are more cautious and guard their persons with greater decency. They have nevertheless a great want of delicacy, as the performance of certain actions is very frequently wihout any reserve the Topic of conversation.

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