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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 17, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Monday 17th November 1788

Fair Weather and light Breezes all round the Compass. The Thermometer from 79° to 81½°

Supplies as yesterday. Employed cleaning ship and attending the Tents. I now set the Carpenters to work to make a railing round the Skylight of the Cabbin to prevent any accident happening to the Plants when the Glasses and Gratings are taken off for Air.

We now see many objects with ulcerous Legs & Arms among whom is Wowwo the sister of Tynah. This poor young creature has both her lower limbs and hands so bad as to render it doubtfull if they can be cured, the Bones having become so exceedingly carious. The Surgeon says it is highly Venereal but I am very doubtful that it is, for her Husband by whom she has had several children, is perfectly free of any such complaint, and is a healthy looking man, niether has the Woman on any other part the least sore or Pimple. She is now treated as having the Venereal complaint and I hope the cure will be completed.

This is one of the three sisters of Otoo, called by Captain Cook Terreree, one is Dead and the Other is at Ulietea.

I have had my usual visitors to day and a present of a small Hog from Teppahoo the Cheif of Tettahah.

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