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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Nov. 10, 1788

Remarks in Matavai Bay Monday 10th November 1788

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Employed cleaning below and attending the Tents. Wind at EBN and EBS and the Thermometer from 79° to 81°.

As I found some additional stands might be fixed in the Cabbin for the Plants, I set the Carpenters to work to make them.

Very few Natives in the Bay this day, which I attribute to their having spent so much time with us already, that they have neglected their domestic business and are now retired about it. I had only Tynah and Moannah to dine with me to day, and the latter has assisted us in making a shed for the Plants without the Tents. Under this place the Pots are put ⅔ in the ground and receive the benefit of the night Dews without being subject to accident by removing them every evening from under the Test where we have not sufficient Room for the whole.

340 Plants were potted by Noon.

Sick list to day — Two Men — one recovering from the Cholera Morbus and one in the Flux.

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