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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 12, 1788

Thursday, Sep. 11, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and thick misty Weather with some short intervals of fair Weather.

10:00 pm Split the Main Topmast Staysail.

Friday, Sep. 12, 1788

2:00 amSqually with a wetting Fog.

4:00 am Thick misty Weather almost equal to a Fog.

8:00 am More Wind. In 3d Reef. Fore Topsail and 2nd Reef Main Topsail

12:00 pm Ditto Weather with Fair Intervals. Some large Albatrosses like Gannetts in their Plumage, & some Blue Peterels about.
These Albatrosses may easily be mistaken for Gannetts, but the Bill of the Albatross is crooked and the Gannets is streight.

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