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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Sep. 1, 1788

In Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land

Monday, Sep. 1, 1788

Moderate and fair Weather. Employed this day with our utmost exertions towards completing our Wood. Caught many fine Rock Cod alongside, so that the People had as many as they could use. The Sailmakers finished the Sails and every thing being nearly ready to complete for Sea, I ordered the sheet anchor in and the Cable to be unbent.

At 2 this morning for the First time we had Signs of the Natives being within the limits of the Bay. I was acquainted fires were seen about the Low-Land in the neighbourhood of Cape Fredrick Henry. We saw the Natives [?] towards us, and I made preparations to meet them at day light, when we saw several of them about the Beach of the lowland with our Glasses. The morning being clear I attended on shore and made observations for the Rate of my Time Keeper, expecting every moment to see the Natives, but we saw none to come near us. I would have went to them, but the Sea from the Southward setting so heavy a Surf on the Beach, it was totally impractical for any Boat to land. My earnest wish to visit them was therefore without effect. Having done watering my Cooper was employed making small Tubs to accomodate Mr. Nelson to take on board a variety of scarce plants, which being all ready, required nothing more than these Vessels to take them on board, and part of them were got off. A few whales were seen in the Bay, as hath been the case these some days past, but all of the Kind already described.

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