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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 14, 1788

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather much Sea from the Westward.

4:00 pm Carried away Fore Top Mast Steering Sail yard. In Steering Sails

8:00 pm Strong Gale. Double Reefed the Topsails

10:00 pm Wind suddenly shifted

Thursday, Aug. 14, 1788

1:00 am Close Reefed the Fore Topsail and triple Reefed the Main Topsail. Some Rain.

4:00 am Strong Gales Hail and Snow. many luminous patches on the water.

8:00 am Severe Squalls Hail and Snow. Employed taking in and setting the Topsails occasionally.

10:00 am Served Portable Soup and Wort as usual. Some Hands Employed making Plats.

12:00 pm Strong Gales and high breaking Sea, several heavy ones made way over us this morning & Stove the Quarter Boards in. Under Close Reefed Fore Topsail and triple Reefed Main Topsail and Foresail. Many Blue Peterels, some small Albatrosses and Pintadas.

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