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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 11, 1788

Sunday, Aug. 10, 1788

1:00 pm Fair Weather and for the first time since I left the Cape I got some distances of the Sun & Moon but could get no Variations.

4:00 pm Employed washing Hammocks & Bags

8:00 pm Very fresh Gale and Squally. In Steering Sails

Monday, Aug. 11, 1788

12:00 am Sea covered with luminous spots.

2:00 am Wind suddenly shifted and the Air much colder.

4:00 am Very Squally and Lightning. In Double Reefs

6:00 am Hail and sleet

8:00 am Served Portable Soup Gruel as usual for breakfast

10:00 am Fair Intervals cleaned & dryed below with Fires. Sailmalers about the Foresails hands making Cable Platts

12:00 pmSqually with Fair Intervals. Kept a point more to the Southward, and out Reefs. set the Fore Topmast Steering Sail. A few small Albatrosses, Blue Peterels and Sheerwaters.

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