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Previous Jul. 13, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJul. 15, 1788Next

Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 14, 1788

Sunday, Jul. 13, 1788

1:00 pm Fine Weather.

10:00 pm Out Reefs and set Steering Sails

Monday, Jul. 14, 1788

12:00 am Fair Weather.

4:00 am Dark Cloudy Weather. and small Rain.

8:00 am Fair Weather. with some light Squalls of Rain.

10:00 am Cleaned below. Carpenters about the Launch. Few Birds.

12:00 pm Fair Weather. Steering Sails set.

Previous Jul. 13, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJul. 15, 1788Next