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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 2, 1788

Tuesday, Jul. 1, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate and fair Weather.

3:00 pm Fixed a Gun Signal for the Cutter. Returned & hoisted in the Boats. Received 2 sheep for the People.

5:00 pm At 4 weighed and made Sail. Saluted the Governor with 13 Guns which was returned with the same Number.

8:00 pm Cape Good Hope WNW 4 leagues & Cape False ESE from whence I take my departure allowing it in Latitude 34°23′1″ & Longitude 18°36′ E.

Wednesday, Jul. 2, 1788

12:00 am Cape False NNE½E 6 leagues

1:00 am Set Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

4:00 am All Steering Sails set.

8:00 am Fresh Breezes & Cloudy. Cape Segullies ENE. Cape Good Hope NBW½W just discernable Distant about 18 leagues. Got the anchors in boxed & Cables unbent.

11:00 am At 10 Cape Segullies NNE distant 8 leagues.

12:00 pm Very hazy Weather could not see the Land distinctly. The part about Cape Segullies is low land at least much lower than any part of the Coast.

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