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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 11, 1788

Saturday, May. 10, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and fair Weather. Hands looking out from the Mast heads for Tristan de Cunha.

6:00 pm In Latitude 37°00′S & true Longitude 12°42′W. Could see at least 7 leagues in any direction. No appearances or signs of land.

Sunday, May. 11, 1788

12:00 am Strong Gales & Squally with heavy Rain.

8:00 am Moderate and dark Cloudy Weather. Cleaned below.

9:00 am Mustered all hands & saw them Clean.

10:00 am Performed Divine Service.

12:00 pm Ditto Weather. All sails set. Got a sight of the Sun exactly at Noon by the Time Keeper which I believe to be within a Mile of the truth.


I kept my Course to the N.E, Still with hopes of Seeing Tristan de Cunha and at 6 O'Clock when Night came on I was in Latitude 37°00′S. and true Longitude 12°42′ West but with the strictest lookout nothing could be seen. I can therefore say nothing more about it, that I firmly believe, it is not situated between the latitude of 37°00′S. & 37°24′S. between the Longitude of 16°30′ West & Longitude 12°15′ West. After dark the Night proved very Windy & thick Rainy Weather which induced me to steer no longer out of my Course.

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