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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 20, 1788

Saturday, Apr. 19, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gale with Hail and Snow. Lying too under a Reefed Mainsail, the Sea very high.

7:00 pm More Moderate, set the Foresail.

8:00 pm Set the Main Topsail.

10:00 pm Very Squally. Clewed up and set the Main Topsail Occasionally.

Sunday, Apr. 20, 1788

12:00 am Ditto Weather.

2:00 am Very hard Squalls, up Main Sail and in Main Topsail.

4:00 amSqualls less frequent, set the Mainsail & Main Topsail.

6:00 am Set the Fore Topsail.

7:00 am Moderate Weather with Snow, out all but 1st Reefs.

10:00 am Light Winds and dark Gloomy Weather Sky full of Snow.

11:00 am Fresh Gales and Squally with some intervals of Sun Shine between the Snow Squalls. Employed Cleaning below & Mustered all hands in dry clean Cloaths.

12:00 pm Under Double Reef Main, Triple Reefed Fore Topsail and Reefed Courses. A high Sea from the West. Many Birds about.


The Moderate Weather and Calm in the latter part of this day gave me further hopes of accomplishing my Passage round the Land. It is a Dear Point to give up and a matter I cannot easily reconcile, but it is impossible to act against the severity of this tempestuous Weather. It is with much concern I see my Sick list encreased to Six, One of which is a fractured Rib, and the five severe Rheumatick complaints which totally incapacitated them from duty.

I this Day gave all hands a good and valuable fresh Meal from a Hog I Ordered to be killed and as I have before mentioned gave them all (including Officers) a pint of Sweet Wort to drink. This drink I see issued myself and make every one take their allowance.

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