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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 17, 1788

Wednesday, Apr. 16, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and thick Foggy Weather. Handed the Fore Topsail.

2:00 pm A very heavy Sea from the Westward.

4:00 pm Ditto & Rain.

8:00 pm A little more Moderate, set the Fore Topsail.

11:00 pm Very Severe Squalls. Handed the Topsails.

Thursday, Apr. 17, 1788

1:00 am A very Severe Storm, obliged to furl all Sails but the Mizen Staysail & lye too.

3:00 am The Snow now fell very heavy.

4:00 am Lightning in the NW.

11:00 am The Wind not so violent I bore away for the Cape of Good Hope.

12:00 pm A very heavy Gale of Wind, under Close Reefed Main Topsail & Reefed Fore Sail. High Sea. All hands happy at my bearing away. Snow falling heavy & severe Gusts of Wind.


The Weather of this Day begun to make all hands feel it and seeing the Wind so fixed at 11 O'Clock in the Forenoon I determined on bearing away for the Cape of Good Hope. The General Joy in the Ship was very great on this Account.

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