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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 4, 1788

Thursday, Apr. 3, 1788

1:00 pm A Very Severe Gale with Violent Squalls of Snow and Hail and the Sea very high.

2:00 pm At 2 Wore Ship and handed the Foresail and brought too under the Main Topsail with four Reefs in and the Mizen Staysail.

Friday, Apr. 4, 1788

2:00 am The Gale abating.

7:00 am Set the Foresail, reefed.

8:00 am Dark Cloudy Weather with Sleet.

9:00 am Cleaned below, and employed serviceing the Rigging in places where it is Chaffed.

11:00 am Set Reefed Main Sail.

12:00 pm Fresh Gales and Rainy Weather. Under Reefed Courses and Close Reefed Main Topsail.


Altho wearing is now become highly dangerous I could not but risk it at 2 O'Clock, as I found I encreased my Northing too much on the Tack I was then on. We had no sooner accomplished this, but were obliged to lye too under the Close Reefed Main Topsail and Mizen Staysail, and the Gale continued with great violence untill 4 in the Morning, and blew fresh the remainder of the Day with cold Rain.

We cleaned and dryed below towards Noon and the rest of the People were employed in serviceing the Chafed Parts of the Rigging.

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