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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 18, 1788

Monday, Mar. 17, 1788

1:00 pm Moderate Breezes and very Foggy

3:00 pm In Main Top Mast Steering Sail

4:00 pm Saw a Seal

6:00 pm [Soundings: 60] fathoms soundings as usual. Oozey bottom.

7:00 pm The Fog like small Rain.

8:00 pm Light Breezes and Clear

Tuesday, Mar. 18, 1788

12:00 am Fine Moon light night and Smooth water.

5:00 am Light Winds and fair Weather.

6:00 am [Soundings: 60] fathoms soundings as before

8:00 am Set Steering Sails on both sides

9:00 am Very fine Weather. Got all Bedding and Cloaths up and Cleaned Ship fore & aft. Off all Watches & gave a free circulation of Air.

12:00 pm Very fine Weather and smooth water. All Steering Sails set. Several Seals and a large Free sun, but few Birds. Much Rock Weed.

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