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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 8, 1788

Friday, Mar. 7, 1788

1:00 pm Very fine Weather with some very light Clouds of Rain

2:00 pm I now took the opportunity of Sounding again and had a perpendicular line of 240 fathoms but found no Ground.

5:00 pm Variable to 4 points & Squalls. Took in and set Steering Sails occasionally. A very confused Sea. Saw an Albatross & several Flying Fish.

8:00 pm Fresh Breezes and Cloudy

10:00 pmSqually in Steering Sails

Saturday, Mar. 8, 1788

2:00 am All this Watch very Variable Winds & Squally

6:00 am Light Squalls, Small Rain & Wind Variable

8:00 am Saw several Whales and one Albatross.

9:00 am Very fine Weather.

10:00 am All hands employed washing & Cleaning. Served Mustard & Vinegar.

12:00 pm Very fine Weather. Sounded 240 fathoms streight line but got no Ground. Passing a Ripling of a Current & Stream of froth NNW & SSE I tryed the Current & found it set 1½ mile an hour to the NNW. by morning a Keg with 100 fathoms Line.

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