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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 8, 1788

Thursday, Feb. 7, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes & fair Weather but very Hazy as it always is within the Tropics when a Trade Wind blows.

5:00 pm Hands employed at the Pumps an half hour, for altho the ship is very clean & free from bad smells yet I consider this as conducive to Health.

Friday, Feb. 8, 1788

4:00 am Very Clear Weather.

8:00 am Moderate breezes & fair with haze.

9:00 am Employed make Points and Cleaning below. Served Vinegar to the Ships Company.

12:00 pm Ditto Weather. All Sails set & Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in Air 84°

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