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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 4, 1788

Sunday, Feb. 3, 1788

1:00 pm Light Breezes and Cloudy

8:00 pmSqualls of Rain

10:00 pm Fair Weather innumerable Schools of Fish and the Sea Covered with luminous Spots.

Monday, Feb. 4, 1788

1:00 am Cloudy with small showers of Rain in Squalls

6:00 am Flocks of Gull Peterels and wonderfull amounts of Fish but all efforts to catch any are ineffectual. Dolphins, Albecores Bonitoes Skipjacks & Flying Fish.

10:00 am Very heavy Rain & Sultry Weather. caught near 3 Tons Water, with every degree of care and Caution with Airing & drying below we cannot keep off the damp.

12:00 pm At Noon Ditto Weather. all hands employed filling water. Caught one Shark.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in Air 77°

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