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Previous Jan. 26, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJan. 28, 1788Next

Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 27, 1788

Saturday, Jan. 26, 1788

1:00 pm Light Airs and fair Weather.

4:00 pm Cloudy

11:00 pm Small Rain

Sunday, Jan. 27, 1788

2:00 am Thunder & Lightning

5:00 am Cloudy

8:00 am Saw some Grampuses & Sharks. A Sheerwater & one Brown Petterel

9:00 am Very sultry Weather. Cleaned below and Mustered the People.

12:00 pm Fair Weather. We have not had Rain sufficient to enable us to save above 1 Barrel of Water.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in the Air 79°

Previous Jan. 26, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJan. 28, 1788Next