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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 25, 1788

Thursday, Jan. 24, 1788

1:00 pm Fair Weather and hazy.

5:00 pm Steered a ½ a point to the Eastward principally to get the sails between the Masts to draw better & which is generally the Case where I alter the Course often in a Day.

10:00 pm A great many Porpoises

Friday, Jan. 25, 1788

3:00 am A little Squally in Top Gallant Steering Sails

6:00 am Cloudy threatning much Rain

8:00 am Some light Rain

9:00 amTaken aback in all Steering Sails.

10:00 am Cleaned & Aired below

12:00 pm Light Airs and very Cloudy, but not Rain altho it threatens much. Very Sultry & Hot.

Remarks at Noon: Thermometer in the Air 80°

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