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Previous Jan. 21, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJan. 23, 1788Next

Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 22, 1788

Monday, Jan. 21, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Trade and very hazey Weather. Saw some Porpoises

6:00 pm Many Flying Fish flew into the ship. Some Boobies seen.

11:00 pm In 1st Reefs & Top Gallant Steering Sails

Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1788

7:00 am Set Main Top Gallant Steering Sail

8:00 am Employed drawing yarn & Sailmaker fixing the awnings.

12:00 pm Ditto Weather Carrying Lower Fore Top Mast, Top Gallant & Main Top Gallant Steering Sails

Thermometer in the Air 76½°

Previous Jan. 21, 1788HomeLogbook Remarks GMJan. 23, 1788Next