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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 9, 1788

In Santa Cruz Tenariff

Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1788

The first and latter part Moderate Breezes and fair Weather, the Middle Squally and small drizling Rain with Calms and Variable Winds. Employed this day principally in the Hold Stowing Casks & receiving Water from the Shore, Carpenters repairing the Boats and getting all ready for Sea. Received a Spar for a Topsail Yard.

At 22 Hour 2′ Apparent Time I found the Longitude by Time Keeper 16°16′15″West.

Thermometer at Noon in the Air 67°.

I have not been able to get any Observations as yet for the Variation of the Compass.

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