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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 7, 1788

In Santa Cruz Tenariff

Monday, Jan. 7, 1788

The first part of these 24 Hours Moderate Breezes & fair the Middle was a little Squally attended with some small Rain and the latter part light Airs and Cloudy with Intervals of Fair Weather.

Begun to set the Rigging up and the Carpenters I set to Work to repair our damages done in the bad Weather the rest of the People were employed in the Hold.

At 1 hour 40′ apparent Time the Longitude by Time Keeper I found to be 16°16′30″W. At 20 hour 12′ Apparent Time 16°18′00″W.

Thermometer at Noon 67½° in Air.

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