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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 2, 1787

Off the Isle of Wight

Saturday, Dec. 1, 1787

1:00 pm Moderate and Cloudy Weather threatening dirt.

4:00 pm Dunnose North 6 leagues.

6:00 pm Dunnose NBE½E.

8:00 pm Fresh Gales and Cloudy. Tacked ship. Under Double Reefs.

Sunday, Dec. 2, 1787

12:00 amWore Ship.

4:00 am Strong Gales and Cloudy.

8:00 am Ditto with thick rainy Weather which determined me to bear away for Spithead.

10:00 am Saw Dunnose SEBS and the Needles N½W. Steered for the Needles and at 11 past them, when I took on board Robert Corke Pilot neither the Master or Myself having ever been through. At Noon Ditto Weather & Wind baffling. Abreast of Yarmouth.

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