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Revised May 28 2021

HMS Brunswick Log Entries
Hanging of Mutineers

[First, their actual appearance in the logbook, ship time, i.e., noon to noon.]

Oct 29, 1792

Monday 29th WNW

First and Latter Parts light Winds and Cloudy, Middle Hard Rain/PM/ At 5 Rec'd 3 Prisoners from the Hector, Namely John Milward, Thomas Ellison, and Thomas Burkitt, AM/At 9 Fired a gun and made the Signal for Boats, Mann'd and Arm'd, at 26: Past 11 Fired a gun as Signal for Exection when Thomas Burkitt was Run up to the Starboard Fore Yard Arm, Milward and Ellison to the Larboard, and There Hung Agreeable to their Sentence p'r Court Martial for Mutiny On Board the Bounty Cap't Blyth on Return from Otahaita.

Oct 30, 1792

Tuesday 30th SW

First and Middle parts Moderate and Clody with Rain, latter fresh Winds. PM/ at ½ Past 1 the Bodies of the above Men was taken Down, and sent ashore To Hasler Hospital to be Interr'd. AM/ Our Signal to take the guard, Rec'd 16 Chord of Wood, and 532 lbs of Fresh Beef.

[Second, as entries would appear land time, i.e., midnight to midnight.]

Monday 28th WNW

First and Latter Parts light Winds and Cloudy, Middle Hard Rain/PM/ At 5 Rec'd 3 Prisoners from the Hector, Namely John Milward, Thomas Ellison, and Thomas Burkitt,

Tuesday 29th SW

AM/At 9 Fired a gun and made the Signal for Boats, Mann'd and Arm'd, at 26: Past 11 Fired a gun as Signal for Exection when Thomas Burkitt was Run up to the Starboard Fore Yard Arm, Milward and Ellison to the Larboard, and There Hung Agreeable to their Sentence p'r Court Martial for Mutiny On Board the Bounty Cap't Blyth on Return from Otahaita. First and Middle parts Moderate and Clody with Rain, latter fresh Winds.

Wednesday 30

AM/ Our Signal to take the guard, Rec'd 16 Chord of Wood, and 532 lbs of Fresh Beef. ...

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