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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Oct 9, 1789

Friday October 9th 1789

Fresh Breezes and Hot from ENE from 10 in the Morning to 4 in the Afternoon, light Winds at Night.

My health continues so very bad that the Physician has represented it to the General that I should leave Batavia without delay I therefore am now preparing to Sail in the Packet where I am to embark on Tuesday.

Arrived here this day Capt. Lloyd of the General Elliott. In Streights Banca he fell in with some Boats belonging to the Vansitart East India Man who was lost in Streights Billaton, having struck on a Rock that went through her bottom. Capt. Wilson had just finished his survey of these Streights and was hoisting the Boat in when they struck. The Ship made so much Water they were obliged to run her on Shore and take to their Boats. Capt. Lloyd & a Capt. Canning of the Nonsuch Sailed immediately for the Wreck & there found the Ship burnt down to the Waters Edge by the Malays. They however saved 40 Chests of Treasure out of 55 which they say was on board. The People behaved very Riotous One man was lost in the Ship and five others in a Small Boat are missing supposed to have taken some of the treasure. Most of the People are gone to China with Capt. Wilson. A Mr. Jones is here & some few of the Hands with Capt. Lloyd.