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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Oct 7, 1789

Remarks Wednesday Oct'r. 7th. 1789

Ditto Winds and Weather

This Morning at Sun Rise I left the Hotel and about 4 Miles in the Country I found the Surgeon Generals House near to the Convalessent Hospital. This Hospital has also Sick men in it & altogether at this time amount to 800. The Situation is Airy and desirable & every thing was Instantly arranged for my comfort and convenience. I dined with appetite & received every politeness & attention from Mr. Sperling. He would suffer me to take no Medicines to day altho my Fever as Yesterday My head Ach also continues but I find a Wonderfull difference in respiration between this & the Town. Here the Country seems healthy and desirable.

At 6 OClock this Evening I paid the General a Visit and spent the Evening as an Invalid. His Excellency seems to be a very Amiable & Whorthy [worthy] Character. The Ladies dressed in the Malay fashion but wore some rich Jewells.

I had an invitation from a Mr. Vander Beck an Edellere whose charming situation a small distance from this with any thing he had was offered in order to restore my health.

A Packet being to sail this day Week I solicited to have a passage in her for myself and People, but her size being so very small I was told it was impossible. It was however very strongly recommended to me to go myself as my health appeared so impaired and that the General would allow me altho no other passengers were permitted that my Officers and Men would be sent after me in some of the first Ships that Sailed which if I remained would not take place until the last of the Month if then and therefore it was highly advisable in my Situation not to Stay such a length of time, but proceed and wait the Arrival of my People at the Cape of Good Hope where my health in the interval would be restablished to Sail for Europe.

Taking all this into consideration and seeing no absolute good that could accrue to my people from my being here, I determined to depart in the Packet and leave the Master to bring the People to me at the Cape of Good Hope.

The Vessel the Resource being advertised. She is to be sold at Publick Outcry on Saturday Morning 9 OClock.

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