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Revised May 23 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Aug 29, 1789

H K F Courses Winds Remarks Saturday 29th August 1789
124NNWSSELight Breezes and very hazy Wr a Strong Current to the SSE
44""SSWFresh Breeze the extremes of Rotten Island North to NEbN distant 4 Leagues
636""The extremes as far as could be seen of Sumbawa and Flores from NWbW to EbN½N and of Rotten Isl'd. North to N.N.E. distant 5 Leagues
9"Calm with strong Riplings driving us round and round
11"NNESo.Light Airs and very hazy
21"""Steerd across the Current to try the Flores Shore
52"""At day light the extremes of rotten Island NbW½W to NbE½E. distant 8 Leagues SE part of Streights Mangaryn N.E. -
826""Standing across Mangaryn Streights to get hold of the Flores Shore
1244""Fresh Breeze and hazy. The Extremes of Mid Channel Isles NW to N½E. SE part of the Streights SEbS being Sugar Loaf Rock distance 1 Mile SE part of Rotten Island W½N 2 or 3 Leagues
Latitude Longitude West
CourseDist.Obsd.D Rof Coupang
  8°48′S 3°56′W


Altho a tolerable Breeze of Wind I found the Current so strong that I could not keep hold of the Shore and having it Calm the greatest part of the night I was drove considerably farther from it and torn to peices with the meeting of Violent Currents setting to the SSE. I therefore gave up my intention of going through Streights Sapi and at 2 OClock in the Morning directed my Course across the Current to get hold of the S.E. shore of Streights Mangaryn where I considered from Accounts I had a greater chance of Anchorage.

Towards Noon the Wind freshned and I got into a Fair way for entering the Streights but still found a Current acting against me which I hoped to get the better of by keeping in Shore

The Southermost land toward Toorns Island came on with the SE part of the Streights at E¾S and at the same time the Southm't. part of Rotten Island bore W¾N the distance across here is nearly 5 Leagues So that Rotten Island is to the Northward of any part of the Coast of Flores which proves a considerable error in the dutch Maps

Aug 23, 1789

My Longitude to day at Noon is found by protracted bearings since the 23 of this Month and is the Longitude of Streights Mangaryn - The SE part lies in Lat'de 8°..49′S the SW part in 8° 46′ South

From Toorns Island to the S.E. part of Streights Mangaryn is West 15 Leagues

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