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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 18, 1793

H M Ship Providence from Jamaica towards [England – 1793 – Grand Caymana]

Remarks Tuesday June 18th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and cloudy weather – Hove to, A Canoe came along sidfe with Tackle – at 12..45 bore away SW point of Grand Caymana West 5 or 6 Miles – Bowden Town North 2 Miles – At 3..45 anchored with the small Bower in 8 fathoms over a bottom of Red Sand & Shells. Extremes of the Bay from S9°W 1½ Mile to North 1 Mile. Westermost point of the Island NWbN 5 or 6 Miles – The Landing place of Georges Townm (or Hog-Styes) E½S ½ a mile distant – In coming in we had one cast of the head with only 3½ fathom & immediately after 7 – Employed supplying the Rockhampton with Stores, Cordage, blocks &c &c – Several Canoes came alongside with Turtle, Cocoa nuts & a few pumpkins

 6 pm: at 6 PM weighed and made sail in company with the same ships as yesterday – leaving the Rockhampton in the Bay – Spoke the Mary Bay of Garnock who joined us – a Merchant Ship (Jupiter of Kingston) in the offing steering as ourselves – at 7 PM George Town EbN distant 2 or 3 Miles – At 4 AM out Reefs & made all Sail

 8 am: Moderate breeze and fine weather – Exercised great Guns & Small Arms & washed all the Decks – Sailmaker repairing the old Jib – Carpenters repairing the Large cutter – At Noon moderate breeze and cloudy weather with light squalls & some Rain – The Assistant, Antelope, Thomas, Cleminson, Mary, & Jupiter in Company – In Top Gallant Steering Sails
   Latitude Observed 20°..01′ North

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