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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 25-28, 1793

H M Ship Providence – Moored in Port Royal [Harbour Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c

May 1793

Saturday 25th Fresh Breezes with heavy showers of rain all these 24 Hours – PM employed stowing the Water – Received Gunners stores on board – & 3½ Tons of Sand ballast AM Carpenters and Sailmakers employed at the Yard – received fresh beef & 2 Tons of Sand Ballast – Aired ship with fires – People employed in the Spirit Room and mending their cloaths Armourers at the Yard – Opened a Cask of Beef No 1390 contents 66 Double pieces

Sunday 26th Fresh Gales with very heavy Showers of rain all these 24 hours – Arrived a french sloop prize to H M Schooner Spitfire – made Signal to the Penn – read the articles of war and punished Richard Upsdale with 12 Lashes for neglect of duty – AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard – Received fresh beef – Cleaned below & aired with fires – mustered in divisions and performed divine service

Monday 27th Fresh Gales with variable winds heavy thunder Lightning and rain during these 24 hours – PM Arrived two American brigs seized by the Mary Privateer on a suspicion of being french property – At 1 AM a heavy Squall, over hauled a range of the Sheet Cable and got all clear for striking yards & Topmasts – at Day light sailed H M Schooner Advice for the Bay of Honduras – Sailmakers as yesterday – received no fresh beef – People employed keeping articles dry &c – got up all wet cloaths & aired ship with fires – Carpenter employed preparing the Green house to receive the plants

Tuesday 28th Firt and latter parts moderate breeze and dark cloudy weather to the Southward – middle part light airs with heavy showers of rain – PM Arrived the Proserpine from a cruize – AM Sailmakers employed as before – sent the Yard schooner for a turn of water – Received fresh beef – 195 pots & 2 Tubs of plants from Kingston

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