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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 2-4, 1793

[H M Ship Providence – moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793


April 1793

Tuesday 2d First and latter part fresh breezes and hazy, middle part fresh breezes, calms, &c – PM Sailed the Assistant Brig Lieutenant Portlock – lent her ten Men and a Petty Officer – her own people being on board Prizes – employed unmooring Ships – Weighed the Small Bower & hove in to ½ a Cable on the Best Bower. At 9 PM fired the Evening Gun & hoisted Commodore Fords broad Pendant – weighed the Hyanas stream anchor and returned it to the Yard – Sailed H.M.S. Europa and saluted the flag with 13 Guns – returned 11 – weighed the Best Bower and warped further to the Southward – moored Ship ESE & WNW in 10 fathom water, muddy bottom – Gallows point NE¾N ½ a mile – Port Royal Point SW½W ½ a mile distant from the Dock yard ¼ of a mile – Received fresh beef and served it to the Ships company Supernumeraries &c – Received 10 Men belonging to the Assistant that were left behind – & one Man belonging to the Europa who was left behind out of her

Wednesday 3d First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy – middle part light airs and calms – PM people employed clearing the decks, washing and cleaning Ship &c – AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard – Received 150 pound of fresh beef – at 10 AM arrived the Assistant with a Brig under Danish colors she went in pursuit of – People and boats employed assisting the Assistant with hawsers &c – Served slops to the Ships company – Discharged the Assistants People – received on board 3 french Prisoners

Thursday 4th First and latter part fresh breezes and fair weather – middle part Light Airs and fair – PM people employed moving & securing the Brig under Danish Colors – At 2 AM sent the Launch for a turn of water – Sailmakers employed at the Yard – at 7 made the Advices Signal for a petty officer – Received 149 pound of fresh beef and served it to the Ships company – received also a turn of water – went on board and examined the Danish brig – At 11 sailed his Majestys Ship Serpent on a cruize – received on board nine men from the Assistant belonging to the Danish brig and a marine belonging to the proserpine from the Serpent

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