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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 21-24, 1793

H M Ship Providence Moored in Port Morant [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c

February 1793

Thursday 21st Moderate breeze and fine weather all these 24 hours PM Unbent the Main Sail & Jib – sent 35 bread fruit plants on shore, and of various kind 77 Pots – Empty pots 99 – AM sent a Partie to haul the Sein, who returned with very few fish – People overhauling the Mizen & Mizen Top Mast Rigging Sailmaker repairing the Main Top Sail

Friday 22d Moderate breezes and fair weather PM rigged & swayed up the Mizen Top Mast – AM People employed washing their cloaths – Broached a Cask of pork No 15 contents 125 double pieces – Employed about the Rigging – Bent the Main Top Sail Sailmakers repairing the old Jib & Mizen Top Sail

Saturday 23d Moderate breezes and fine weather showers at times PM employed about the Rigging – AM sent a Partie on shore to cut wood – Sailmakers repairing the old Jib & Main Top Mast Staysail Washed below – confined Richard Franklyn & Richard Upsdale Seamen for Theft

Sunday 24th First and middle part moderate breezes and fine weather – at 4 PM a heavy squall with Rain – latter part moderate breezes and fine weather – anchored here a brig from America – Sailmakers on the old Jib Received a Launch load of wood – AM Received a turn of water per Launch – hauled the sein & caught about 40 pound of fish – loosed Sails to dry

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