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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 5, 1793

H M Ship Providence from St. Vincents towards [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks Tuesday February 5th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine weather with thick haze on the Land – at 2 the Extremes of Jamaica in sight N68°W to S70°W off Shore 5 or 6 Leagues

 3 pm: at 3..30 In steering Sails – Saw a Pilot boat & two sail on a wind – at 4 Point Morant and the NE Point of the Island in one N39W Southern Land in sight S80°W off Shore 5 or 6 Miles – at 4..24 Point Morant N½W – Southernmost Land in sight S84°W off shore about 5 miles – at 4..45 stood too off Rocky Point and took a black pilot on board who took charge of the Ship – Bore away to a Frigate and Sloop of War – at 5..30 Spoke the Hound Sloop of War on a cruize – hove too & out Whale boat – Captain Bligh went on board the Proserpine – in 2d Reefs – at Sun set point Morant N44E Yelhas Point West off shore 4 Miles – at ½ past 6 Captain Bligh returned – In boat & bore away – at 8..30 Hove too head to the SE Quarter Yelhas Point NW½W – at 3 bore away at ½ past hove too on the Larboard Tack – at 5 Bore away Land from WbN to ENE off shore 3 or 4 Leagues – at Day light the White Horses NbE off Shore 3 Leagues at 7 Light winds from the Land – hove too for the Sea breeze & hoisted out the Boats – at 8 Rock Fort N4°E 4 or 5 Miles – Yelhas Point N85°E Cow Bay Point East – Fort Royal N85W about 3 Leagues – at 8..50 bore away with the Sea Breeze – at 10 light bafling winds sent the boats to tow – at 10..45 Smith, & Gun, Keys NNE & SSW distant from each about ¼ of a mile, 15 fathom water – Spoke the Marlboro Sloop from London out 38 Days – Saluted the Commodore (Ford) with 13 Guns, which was returned by an equal Number – at 10..50 hauled round Port Royal Point – at 11 brought up with the Best Bower in 9 fathom water, muddy bottom, and veered to the ½ Cable Service – Port Royal Point bearing S2E ¾ of a mile Hilshire Point S33W Fort small S45°W – Twelve Apostles WbS½Squall Fort Augusta NBW½W – Gallows Point N45E 1 Mile – Kingston Church N52°E – found lying her H. M. S. Europa & Penelope

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