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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 1, 1793

H M Ship Providence from St. Vincents [towards Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks February 1st Friday

 1 pm: Fresh Breeze & fair weather

 3 pm: Saw flying fish and Sea weed

 4 pm: Sold the Effects of Henry Smith Armourer deceased & of John Thompson Seaman run at St. Vincents

 7 pm: In lower and Top Gallant Steering Sails

 8 pm: Some drops of rain and light squalls in Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

12 mid: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather

 4 am: Fresh Gale and squalls

 5 am: Set the lower and Top Gallant Steering Sails

 6 am: Served thick portable Soup gruel for Breakfast – Cleaned below & aired with fires – served Krout – & Portable Soup in the Pease as usual – People washing and mending their cloaths – Saw a flock of Sea Birds – some Tropic birds and Sea weed – Served Slops & Tobacco

12 noon: Fresh breezes with light Squalls
   Latitude Observed 16°..46′ North

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