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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 30, 1793

H M Ship Providence from St. Vincents [towards Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks Wednesday January 30 – Kingston Bay

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather with showers at times

 4 pm: Received 213 pounds of fresh beef

 7 pm: At 7..30 weighed under 2d Reefed Top Sails and fired a Gun – hoisted in the Boats – at 8 Kingston bore EBN distant 1½ Mile – at 10 Extremes of the Island of St. Vincents from EbE to NE off shore 4 or 5 Mile – out 2d Reefs

12 mid: Assistant in Company

 1 am: Set Top Gallant Sails

 3 am: Fresh breeze and cloudy weather

 6 am: Squally with Rain at times – made and shortened Sail occasionally – served fresh Beef – at 8 Fresh breezes and fair weather – Washed the Gun Orlop and Cockpit decks & aired ship with fires – Got the Anchors on the Gunwhale – Supplied the Assistant with 50 pounds of fresh Beef – at 10 set the lower & Fore Top Mast Steering Sail – at 11 out all Reefs

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair weather Assistant in Company
Latitude Observed 13°..54′ North

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