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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 25-28, 1793

H M Ship Providence – moored in Kingston Bay [St. Vincents]

Remarks &c

January 1793

Friday 25th First Part moderate breeze & fair weather – middle part light breezes with showers of rain – Latter part moderate breezes and fair – PM. received 10 Puncheons & 8 Hogsheads water & 119 Pots of various plants – AM Received [blank] Pots of various plants per Launch from the Botanic Garden – employed repairing the Sails – received fresh Beef – Broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer

Saturday 26th First part moderate breeze and fine weather – Latter part moderate with light showers of rain – PM sent [blank] Pots of plants on shore & received [blank] Pots on board – Received a turn of water per Launch – loosed Sails to dry – Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks – furled Sails – Served fresh Beef – Sailmaker repairing the old Fore Sail

Sunday 27th Moderate breeze and fair weather – PM Received a turn of water per Launch – People employed washing and mending their cloaths – At 1 AM Henry Smith Seaman * was discovered overboard tried with the boats to save him from being drowned but without Success – received a turn of water per Launch – Sailed the Apollo of Bristol for Norfolk in Virginia – Received fresh Beef – Sailmaker repairing the Lower steering Sail – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer
* Armour

Monday 28th Moderate breeze and fair weather – A Party on Shore with leave – AM Received a turn of water per Launch – Washed the Gun, Orlop & Cockpit decks – loosed Sails to dry – Served fresh Beef to the Ships Company – Sailmaker repairing the old Fore Sail

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