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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 22, 1793

[H M Ship Providence from St Helena towards] St. Vincents – 1793

Tuesday January 22d

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine weather – Sailmakers on the Jib – Carpenter making a main Top Gallant Mast

 3 pm: at 3..30 the Assistant made the signal for seeing land in the WBN – answered it – Saw the Island of Barbadoes from the Top Mast Head – at 5 th Island of Barbadoes WBN 10 or 11 Leagues – at 6 Barbadoes WNW 7 or 8 Leagues – at 6..30 shortened sail, hoisted out the Launch and sent her to the Assistant for Lieutenant Portlock – at 7 Lieutenant Portlock returned – In Boat – Shifted the Main Top Gallant Mast for a new one – at 8 the Island NWBW – at 11 the East End N½W 7 or 8 Miles – Saw a light on the shore – at 12 Barbadoes from NNW to NNE – at 12..30 West End N½W – at 2 West End NBE – at 6 the Island from NE to ENE 10 or 11 Leagues distant – at 6..15 Saw High Land bearing WNW from ye Mast head – Served thick portable Soup gruel for breakfast – at 8 a pleasant breeze and fine weather – Extremes of the Land from N65W to N75°W 9 or 10 Leagues – Washed below and aired with fires – Saw a sail a head – Some Sea birds and flying fish .. At 10 St. Vincents bore from N66W to N74°W and St. Lucia from N30°W to N35°W – at 10..30 the Granadines N85°W – at 11 Spoke the Fanny sloop of Grenada bound to Surinam with Slaves – at Noon moderate & fair – Granadines in sight from S79°W to S89°W 6 or 7 Leagues – Extremes of St. Vincents from N58°W to N81°W 6 or 7 Leagues – St. Lucia from N27°W to N22°W 9 or 10 Leagues Distant –
   Latitude Observed 13°..02′ North

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