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Revised 2011-01-07

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 20, 1793

[H M S Providence from St Helena] towards St. Vincents – 1793

Sunday January 20th

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather

 3 pm: Sailmaker repairing the Jib – Shifted the Ships Companys Hammocks – People washing and mending their cloaths – Saw a Sail a head – made Signal to Assistant – Bore away to a sloop standing to the SE Quarter – set the Larboard and steering Sails – at ¼ past 6 In Larboard Steering Sails and hauled up – carried away the Main Top Gallant Royal mast, that was sprung before – did not speak the sloop

10 pm: at 10 a light breeze

 2 am: Moderate and fair

 5 am: Scrubbed the 3d Divisions hammocks

 6 am: Served thick portable soup gruel for breakfast

 8 am: Fresh breezes – cleaned below and aired with fires – Mustered in divisions & performed divine service

10 am: Served Krout

11 am: Moderate breeze and fine weather
   Latitude Observed 12°..53′ North

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