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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 3, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Timor [towards St. Helena – 1792]

Remarks Monday December 3d

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and Cloudy – in 2d Reef Main and 3d Reef Fore & Mizen Top Sail – down Top Gallant Yards

 2 pm: At 2 Squally in 3d Reef Main Top Sail, and struck the Fore Top Gallant Mast – at 3 Squally and thick weather close reefed the Fore and Mizen Top Sails – ½ past wore ship

 4 pm: At 4 strong gales and cloudy, out 3d Reef Main Top Sail Unbent the Fore Top Mast Staysail – Saw Mother Careys Chickens and Pintada birds

 8 pm: at 8 Strong breezes and cloudy weather

12 mid: Fresh breezes and fair weather

 4 am: Out 4th Reef Fore Top Sail and swayed up Fore Top Gallant Masts

 5 am: Out 3d & 2d Reefs Top Sails – Crossed the Top Gallant Yards & set the Sails – Saw many whales, Albatrosses, Sheerwaters, Pintada Birds, and mother Careys Chickens – two small Birds with black heads & forked Tails – Served Portable Soup gruel for breakfast – Washed all the decks and aired with fires – Carpenters caulking the upper deck – Sailmakers mending sails & some people washing and cleaning the Quarter Deck – Being Monday served Vinegar – Borecole & portable Soup mixed with oatmeal for dinner – At 10 Light breezes – at Noon Light Airs – swell from WSW
   Latitude Observed 37°..09′..15″ South

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