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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 8-9, 1792

[H M Ship Providence moored in Coupang Bay] Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Remarks &c

Monday October 8th First part fresh breezes and fair, sometimes light breezes – middle part calm – latter moderate breezes and fair weather – The Quantity of Arrack received 3 Puncheons 1 barrell of rice 2 Barrell per Launch – Wood and water per Schoots – AM sent the wooders and waterers on shore – Employed in the Holds – Received water, fresh beef and Greens – found the gammoning of the bowsprit cut through by the edges of the stone in the cutwater – set up the Main riggin – The Parties returned on board Supplied the Brig with 74 pounds of fresh beef

Tuesday October 9th First part moderate breezes and fair – middle part light airs and fair – latter part as the first – PM some employed stretching new rope for the gammoning, and others in teh after hold and Spirit Room – Gammoned the Bowsprit, the Launch hanging at the End in the Tackles, and stayed teh foremast – Received 92 pots with plats per the Asisstants Launch – cleared a Schoot of water – worked the Pumps as usual – At 2 AM sent the Launch to tow a Schoot on board with water – At 4 AM unmoored Ship and hove in to ½ a Cable on the small Bower – run out a Kedge to steady the Ship – set up the Bobstay & fore stay gain, also the Fore Top Mast and Top Gallant Rigging – Cleared the Hoy of water, and otherwise preparing for Sea – Cleaned below – served fresh beef & greens and supplied the Assistant with 32 Gallons of Arrack – Left most of the wood that was cut by the parties on shore behind
   Latitude Observed 10°..09′..07″ South
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 15 Feet..04 Inches Abaft 16..02½

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