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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 18, 1792

H M S Providence [1792]

Remarks Tuesday September 18th

 1 pm: A Fresh gale and fair weather with haze

 2 pm: (Three Canoes with 6 Men in each put off from the Shore and came to an anchor near the Assistant. The Natives in them made various signs, which we judged to be friendly but they [would?] not venture on board)

 4 pm: At 4..30 the stream setting to the Eastward

 5 pm: At 5.20 weighed both anchors, found the arm of the Best Bower broke off close to the crown, and the cables very much rubbed – stood after the Boats

 6 pm: At 6..30 anchored (after having gained but little owing to the strong weather tide) in 8 fathoms over bottom of sharp coral rock, and surrounded by Rocks, Keys and Reefs with an apparent small opening to the Westward – Fresh gale and unsettled weather – The Tide running 5 Miles and [strong?] obliged us to steer the Ship all night to keep her steady – Served an additional half allowance Grog to the People – as they had been much fatigued during the Day – A Quarter Master conning the ship on the bows – The Helmsman steering with great caution, and hands by the small Bower Anchor at ¼ of a mile from us were rocks & shoals

 9 pm: At 9..40 Stream set to the Westward

 4 am: at 4 Dark cloudy threatning weather – at day break began to heave At 4..25 Slack water At 4..35 set to the Eastward at 6..50 weighed with a strong tide setting to the Eastward, Assistant leading between the Reefs and boats sounding and showing signals – At 8 passing between two Rocky Keys in 7 fathoms distance across about ¾ of a mile – The Different Lands &c &c to the Eastward bore SbW & NBE and to the Westward an open Sea – Something was seen from the Mast head like a small Rock, but we imagined it to be the Buoy of our anchor which broke yesterday a drift and had been carried to the Westward by the tide – Shoaled our water to 4 fathoms Tacked & stood back about a mile into good anchorage – At 9..20 came to in 6 fathoms with the small Bower soft sandy bottom – Extremes of Different Islands from S11E to N43E – Passage to the last Anchorage N63E – Struck Top Gallant Masts & sent the Boats to sound – At Noon strong Gales and thick cloudy weather
   Latitude Observed [blank] South

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