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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 15, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite [towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks Saturday September 15th

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and cloudy weather – very hazy

 2 pm: People about the Cables and fitting the ground Tackle

 4 pm: Hove in the ½ Cable Service, found the Cable much rubbed – Up Lower Yards

 6 pm: Weighed to shift our Berth – the whale boat leading Tacked – at 30 minutes past 6 anchored with the Best Bower in 6¼ fathoms soft ground – The Twins from S64°E to S55°E – hoisted out the whale boat & veered to a whole Cable

10 pm: Carpenters repairing the whale Boat

12 mid: Fresh Gales and cloudy

 4 am: Hove in the ½ Cable Service

 5 am: "I was sent in the whale boat to attend the Assistant – at about 6 She weighed and we stood to the Southward – not being able to keep way with her and falling to leeward I brought to a grapnel – She soon after tacked, edged down and [?] [bore?] us up and with the next weather tide we both got up to the Providence – Saw a Turtle and some of the Seal kind before mentioned"

11 am: Struck the Lower Yards – Employed rounding the small Bower

12 noon: At Noon fresh Gale and fair weather with haze
   Latitude Observed 9°..41′..09″ South

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