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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 19, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite] towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Sunday 19th August

 1 pm: Fresh breeze and ccy people employed washing & mending cloaths – At ½ past 2 answered the Assistants Signal for seeing Land in the SW Quarter down Steering Sails and hauled up – The Land seen bearing SW

 4 pm: At 4 PM – the Southern Island a small one A S24°W 7 or 8 Leagues – at ¾ past 4 Saw the North Rocks bearing N68°W about 8 Leagues – at 5 hour 55 minutes Island A or South Island S18°W about 5 Leagues – Island B with three Hills S38W 3 or 4 Leagues – Island C mountainous Island partly in with B S48°W about 6 Leagues – Island D S76°W about 10 Leagues – North Rocks (or small Island, so called in Blighs Narrative) NWbW about 6 Leagues – Tacked Ship and in 1st Reefs, at 2 AM Squally in 2d Reefs – small lightning to the Southward – At 6 AM Island B SWbS at ½ past 6 Island A or South Island S15°W 4 or 5 Leagues – Island B with 3 Hills, extremes from S27°W to S41°W 1st Hill S32°W 2d Hill S34°W 3d Hill S34..30W 3 or 4 Leagues distant – North Rocks N54°W 4 or 5 Leagues – at 7 AM Bore away center of A S14°W 4 or 5 Leagues – extremes of B from S28°W to S45°W – 1st Hill S38°W 2d Hill S37°W 3d Hill S38°..30′W Distant about 3 Leagues – North Rocks N41°W about 5 Leagues – at ¼ past 8 Island B from SE½Squall to S8°W Center S20°E off shore 6 or 7 Miles – North part of Island C on with the South part of B S6°W – North Point C S41°W about 10 miles – 1st Key between C & D S55°W – 2d Key S60W 9 or 10 Miles each – extremes of D S77°W to West about 6 Leagues – North Rock N13°W 5 or 6 Leagues – at ¼ past 9 The Keys on with West point C S28°W – at ½ past 9 the North Rocks on a Line with the Keys at N8°E – Extremes of D fromn S84°W to S69°W Extremes of C S18W to S14°E. The Keys S2°W about 3 Miles – A on with the inner part of B S36°E. The eastern part of B S56°E – at ¾ past 9 The west part of A on with the west part of B at S35°E – at 10 High Land of B EBS½Squall to SE¼E – A S43°E 1st Key S28°E 4 Miles 2d Key on with the South point of C S25°E – high Land of C small mountains in a Line S14°E. West point of C S10°W – D S55°W to S76°W North Rocks N17D 4 or 5 Leagues – at ½ past 11 Center B ESE about 8 Leagues – Center of A SEbE¼E about 7 Leagues – extremes of D S29°E to S32°W off shore near a League – North Rocks NE½N 7 Leagues –

 9 pm: Cloudy, but fine

12 mid: Tacked Ship

12 noon: At Noon eastern part of D S65°E 7 Miles To S27°E 6 Miles. B S68E
   Latitude Observed 13°.26′ South

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