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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 3, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite [towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks Friday August 3d 1792

 1 pm: Strong breezes and dark cloudy weather

 2 pm: Exercised the Boats crews at small Arms with Powder – Unbent the new & bent the old Main Top Gallant Sail

 5 pm: In 2d & 3d Reefs Fore & Main & close reefed Mizen Top Sail Spoke the Assistant all well on board

 7 pm: Worked the pumps as usual – Kept a fire in the Galley to air Ship

 9 pm: The people this night were put at Watch & Watch

11 pm: More clear At 11 saw Land from the Deck from NW½W to WBN hauled to the wind at ¼ past made the signal to Tack
Tacked Ship

12 mid: Made the Assistants signal to make more sail, which was answered

 2 am: Fresh breezes and heavy rain with thick weather

 4 am: At 4 made the Assistants signal to Tack which was answered – Tacked Ship – at 6 A Fresh Gale and gloomy weather – saw the Land A from SWBW to WBN½N distant off shore 4 or 5 Leagues – numbers of flying fish about

 6 am: at ¼ past 6 wore Ship, at ¾ past 6 bore away – served thick portable soup gruel for breakfast

 8 am: at 8 The Extremes of the Land bearing from the Southern low Land seen from the Deck S49°W to S87°W Table Hill S66°W distant off shore 3 or 4 Leagues – Cleaned below got up all wet cloaths to dry – Served bore cole and portable Soup in the pease for dinner – Out 3d Reefs Fore & Main Top Sail – at 10 Thick rainy weather at 11 It cleared up – At Noon a fresh Gale and gloomy weather The NE part of the Land S76°E The North Cape S73°E Table Hill S44°E West Cape S19°E off shore 3 or 4 Leagues – A High Mountainous Island B bore S42°W about 11 Leagues Distant and a high lump of an Island C N29°W 11 or 12 Leagues distant
   Latitude Observed 18..29 South

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