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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 19, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Otaheite towards Timor in the East Indies

Remarks Thursday July 19th 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fair weather – a stong breeze from the Eastward in the Offing

 2 pm: at 2 light airs variable – at 3 a breeze springing up from the Eastward weighed and came to sail in company with the Assistant, under double reefed Topsails – falling little wind sent the boats a head to tow – at 5 got into the breeze, hove too and hoisted in the boats – The Eastermost land bearing N72°E Point Venus S57°E Westermost Land of Oparre S47°W northermost part of Moreea S85W

 7 pm: at 7 in 3d Reefs – at 9 a strong breeze close reefed the Fore Topsail, handed the mizen Top Sail – at 10 a Light squall of rain – at 12 a fresh gale and cloudy wore ship and stood in shore – at ½ past 3 wore again – The Land above Otoos Horns bearing SbE – at 4 fresh Gale and Squally with flying showers of rain – at 6 wore ship the Eastermost Land SE high Land S4°E westermost part of Otaheite SbW¾W northermost part of Moreea SbW½W

 8 am: at 8 the Eastermost Land ESE westermost Horn SbE½E, North Part of Otaheite SSW northermost part of Moreea WBS¼Squall distance off shore 6 or 7 Main miles – at 10 hove too and sent the whale boat on shore with the King Regent, Queen, and several chiefs. out 3d and 4th Reefs Fore Top Sail – at Noon the boat returned, hoisted her in, and veered away. Point Venus bearing S85°E Western land S45°W northern part of Moreea N86°W – East head of Tarra S57°E West Head S14°E distant about 3 miles – at Noon a fresh gale & fair weather Assistant in Company

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